Monday, December 15, 2008

day 4 Thanksgiving Day

i was about to apologize for posting so many pictures, but i stopped myself for two reasons. first of all anytime anyone apologizes for posting too many pictures i find my self always thinking, no you should apologize for not posting ENOUGH! My second reason i stopped myself was because, you know what, this is my blog i can do whatever i want too. kapeesh? so there is a little attitude for you and here is a LOT of pictures.

Mt. Vernon is the homestead of George Washington. it was our favorite day so i'm glad we visited it on thanksgiving. perfect. just so beautiful and right on the Potomac river. insanely gorgeous. we all felt such a love for our country and its founding fathers especially old boy George on this day. he truly was a great man. i kept thinking: i wish he could come back alive and be our president right now. i also thought about my grandma carla quite a bit. she is so patriotic and would just love this place.
**thank you to my sis in law sara for being my model whenever i wanted a picture of a pretty place and needed a pretty face in it to make the picture more fun to look at.
flirting with danger. i wish he could say he got this from his daddy
but this he got from me. poor boy will have a lot of hard lessons.

i can't decide which i like better. color or b&w

oh man we love you Cache!


natalie spratling said...

Love the pictures! The one with Devin and Cache I love them both but I am partial to b/w & sepia tone.

Kim said...

Amie, you are beautiful I love these pictures did you take them? And your babies are gorgeous! good job.

Kim said...

Oh by the way I have a video that you might appreciate. here's the link