Devin and Cache headed to Father sons camp out leaving Gage to shop with the girls. In his shark jammies no less.
He picked this headband out himself.
I had a lovely weekend. Ran into lots of friends. Asked them why their husbands weren't camping too.
Had the whole ward in a panic that they missed father sons camp out. Nope.
Devin went a week early!We laugh a lot about this now.
Came home after a windy, cold night of only eating fruit salad for dinner, and breakfast.
Preparing for summer by making a car first aide kit.
I asked Devin to help me come up with ideas.
His list is on the right. Mine is on the left.
Gage is so helpful with our mourning routine. Making beds and loading the car.

Sometimes we go buy soda and cookies at whole foods, just for the irony of it.
It is safe to say my little family(actually very large in whole foods) and very loud family of soda drinkers is not super appreciated by the other Whole food goers. Never the less, we love that store.
Cache: Mom spell the word UP. (potty humor.)
Me: No way. Knock it off.
Devin: Cache spell the word..
ME: NO Devin. (too late.)
Devin: Spell the word, I-CUP.
Cache laughed so hard, soda came out his nose.
Fort building
Family bike rides
Pre-school un-birthday party.
I do all my errands with a princess and superman.
Cache's chess obsession is growing.
Our baby and happy to be it.
He is in no hurry to grow up. Don't even mention, giving up blankies, binkies or diapers.
He is perfectly content.
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