Happy Halloween 2012
Some Fuzzy images of Halloween this year.
Church Trunk or Treat and Chile cook off.
There were a million little ninjas so of course we didn't see Cache all night,running the halls with the other ninjas. Naomi was a princess that night and pranced around the stage with the other little fairies and princesses.Gage-Superman. Sporting his Uncle Joe's old Superman costume.
just kills me the way he gets into character, so had share.
Superman family. (Zack and Carli Rice)
Roke and Gage L.O.V.E each other. Gage's first friend.
Sometimes during the week while riding in the car, Gage will just randomly say Roke, ROKE! And smile.
Cute friends.
On actual Halloween Naomi opted for spiderman and insisted on wearing my high heals with it, but we convinced her to trade them for her own pink shoes.
Naomi do your Spiderman pose!
Naomi: I yam!
We aren't very organized for Halloween this year,
but we relaxed,grabbed costumes out of the dress up box, had our traditional spooky dinner and enjoyed the very nice warm evening!
Tangent: Nobody Trick or Treats in our neighborhood, including us. We live in a little retirement neighborhood. (Which we love!) These retired folk get into 4th of July, and Christmas, but Halloween?.. no. No kids live here really, and at first, I know our kids disturbed some of their perfectly orderly worlds. But Devin handled all our public affairs (killed them with love) and now the neighbors are so so nice to our family, always putting an extra treat in their pockets on their walks so the kids can feed it to their little sweater wearing doggies etc etc. This Halloween, several hurried over before dinner to give our kids a specialy made treat just for them, and one even made 3 little Halloween baskets full of all kinds of cute Halloween light up things, stuffed animals and treats. So sweet.
Back to Halloween...
One of those simple but magical evenings, that we knew we would look back on and remember their little silhouettes at the doors asking for candy and chasing each other down the decorated streets. I already tear up thinking about it. Gage was too adorable to handle with his chubby body stuffed into that Superman spandex suit. Taking it all so seriously and trying to understand this knocking on doors and people giving him candy thing. He would stare down into his bag and then back up at them, until we called him away. Then he was off runnig after his bro and sis, and yelling Wahoo! His legs being a 4th their length, he literally kept falling down on his face every 10 steps. But he would jump up and keep running till he fell down again or saw a spider and yell: "Bandoon!" Or a ghost and yell: "Snowman!" His cute and pure innocence just absolutely kills me. The memory of him at this age on that night will always be one of my treasures.
The Bell's house. One of Devin's favorite young men named Ben. He is 27 but will always live at home, so they let him come to young men's. He loves Halloween and well that's him behind us.
Had no idea he was there! ha! Love Ben.
Dancing in the street.
Yeah, my kids lucked out in the fun Dad department.
Always in character.
Home counting the loot.
This was the last time our children saw most of those chocolate bars....
It's for their own good that we eat it right?

A few pictures from that day. Naomi's dance class performed a Halloween number.
Cousin Danny face timed us before trick or treating.
Don't call him batman.
Spooky Supper
T'was a Happy Halloween
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