Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Father's Day

Father's Day this year was spent at Wallowa Lake.
I had big plans and even snuck a few songs onto Devin's I pod.
Hopefully planning on taking him on a long hike just the two of us.
We got to go on a hike/run and it was a neat experience to be in the Wallowa Mountains together.
Last time we were there together we were only 17 and I was infatuated.
We have grown together. And As we sat on the mountain after a long run in the rainy mountains it was easy to reflect and be grateful. We knelt and prayed together mostly for our Uncle Jay  and Lucy who we are so worried about.  We never did get to listen to those songs or eat the snacks I had prepared for the extra special hike. Someday I am determined to get myself together and make things special for Devin.
Anyway we celebrated Father's day on a random day the next week at home.
Extra fancy dinner with Devin's favorite: Sparkling Cider.
 I interviewed Cache and Naomi about there Dad. Here is how it went:(Nay's answers are first then Cache's/)

1. How Old is Daddy? 4, 17
2.How much does daddy weigh? Scare the beez and monsters and all the beez and Frogs, 14
3.How tall is dad? Tall tall, 16 and 1/2
4. What color is Dad's hair? black, black
5.What color are dad's eyes? purple, Blue
6.What does daddy to to relaz? Go to the park with us, Read
7.What does daddy like to wear? sweatshirt, church chotes
8.What does daddy like to cook? an egg, Ham
9. What is his favorite chore? (jiberish) making dinner and lunch
10.What is his favorite tv show? Black, work stuff adjusting people.
11. What is his favorte song? Black, i don't know
12. What does daddy always tell you? say yes, i don't know.
13. What makes dad happy? Tash
14. if he could go on a trip where would he go? I like going on a pane with dad, Germany or Brazil
15 And he would take? (Nay was done by this point) Clothes and adjusting things
16. I really love when my dad___.  Tells me stories.
17. What is Dad's favorite color? Blue

I'de say Cache knows his Dad pretty well! I was surprised. I'll have to remember to do this again next year and see how their answers compare. We are so blessed to have Devin as the Father of our home!

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