Friday, March 29, 2013

Aaaalmost Spring outings

3 words  can sum up our March :
We get so excited that the weather has warmed up 3 degrees, we go on adventures 
and are so happy for the first 30 minutes then we are freezing and worn out.

Shire park.
 Gage's vest is too small for his belly.

Kleiner Park
Brown grass is the first sign its too early to picnic.
Gage sneaking the chicken out of everyone's salad.

Table rock:

 Kinda cool scenery. For Boise I guess.
Leaders of the pack. Always miles ahead.
The slowest and happiest caboose ever. 

Picking up sticks, running back down the mountain... but don't you dare pick him up! 
He can "do by self me." Often followed by a sucker punch in the face. 
We had just turned around to head home when Cache got mad at us and took off sprinting down the mountain.  Cache wasn't nicknamed "speedy" by several different coaches for nothing. Then add being mad to the mix, and a steep downhill slope, this wasn't good.  At the same time Naomi and Gage fell down, crying.(no surprise) The only thing we could think was:  
  • Get Cache before he reaches the parking lot or a cliff  
  • Get these little ones to the car and band aides ASAP.
Each stuck a baby on our back and raced down the mountain.  After we all calmed down, Devin decided that what Cache needed was not another punishment but instead some extra lovin.  He had recently finished the second Narnia book, so we bought the movie and some treats, and special time with just our Cachey pie. Just us 3. Like it use to be. Good call Devin. Such a good call.
Story Trail
*gasp* "Mama! The first flower of Sprrrring!!!!"
Planning to ambush me after I get back from the bathroom.
No Surprise. Gage fell down.
He's a very resilient guy though.

Framing it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patricks Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
 I woke up to these 3 little leprechauns, running willy nilly through the house. They had dressed themselves in green. Even got their baby brother dressed. 
They were wild! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mom's Birthday Weekend

March 1st was: 
Crazy hair day at school, 
 A Friday,
 And my Mother's Birthday!
My Mom's dear friend Marriane Wood died in a tragic car accident out on the country roads that week. So my Mom was feeling pretty down, and in all honesty things were going to pot here at home. Sometimes you just need to be home. So we drove home for her Birthday!
It was fun to walk into the restaurant and surprise her! She didn't know we were coming. 
Then we had icecream and Sarah's house.
 It was a sober, but peaceful and sweet weekend. Just what we needed.
Adults ate Mom's cooking, and breathed a lot deeper.  
Kids followed Grandpa around the yard and ran free.
Danny and Naomi are really becoming friends and swang on the swings four hours.
Cache has too much fun with all Uncle Sam's old toys. He got a big queen bed all to himself.
Night vision goggles and Nintendo DS and chewing gum. He is always so happy in Oregon!
 Apples to apples all Sunday morning.
The kids wanted to see the house where I grew up.  So we loaded up cousin Danny
and went the short 1/2 mile to see it. I haven't been there in years.
 A hundred memories flying through my mind at the sight of that house and barn.
What a great, adventurous  dangerous  childhood I had!
Jumping off the tops of houses, jumping ON cows running by, hiding from escaped convicts with guns that were hiding from Police in our pasture, being stranded in the middle of a river after the snow melted and turned the creek into a raging river, picking up snakes thinking they were sticks, hitting the ground when some tresspassers were hunting deer while we were building tree forts, camping in the pasture only to discover our tent door ripped through by what we think had to have been a cougar... and really there are so many more.
After remenising, we decided without a doubt, us kids had gaurdian angels. Maybe 10!
We also had our mom flabbergasted. Somehow she knew none of those stories...
I have to say, I'm glad I'm survived and so glad I am alive to love these cute faces...